Sundsvalltown is back under new supervision and under new name. is now
Full Name:
Kingdom of Sweden
9 024 186
Swedish Krona (SEK)
230V 50Hz
Time Zone:
Country Dialing Code:
Weights & Measures: Metric
Location: Middle of Sweden
380 km north of Stockholm.
Region name: Västernorrland
Population: 94 575 (2007)
Winter 0° to -15 (aprox)
Summer +15° to + 25 (aprox)
Phone Area Code: +(0)60
To see:
North- and Sounth mountain, great nature experiences, ljungan and Indalsälven rivers. historical places and buildings, stone city architecture, viking artefacts and graves, big shopping areas,
To do:
Fishing, hiking, shopping, bathing, camping, skiing, biking, canoeing, sightseeing, parachute simulator, bowling, laser hall, go-cart, pub & restaurants.

All photos unless stated is © of Anders Thorsell - Frequent Flyer Agency. |
Welcome to Sundsvall town!

situated in the middle of Sweden near the mouths
of the Ljungan and Indalsälven rivers, the
town of Sundsvall lies where Selånger Creek
flows into Sundsvall Bay and the Gulf of Botnia.
Our town is located 380 km North of Stockholm
The town of Sundsvall was rapidly transformed
to the industrial centre of the Norrland region
during the industrial revolution in the 1800s.
In recent years the town has been less depending
on heavy industry and more focused on trade and
The Sundsvall region, home to some 115,000 people,
is the most densely populated area of northern
Sweden. It plays a prominent role, not only in
sports, industry and commerce, but also in education,
culture and the arts.
In July we host one of the largest street festivals
in Sweden. The Gatufesten festival attracts up
to 180 000 people. There are much to do and see
in our scenic region - the problem has been that
we have been too shy and modest to speak about
it. hope to give you another
wider perspective.
Welcome to Sundsvall - and see you at Storgatan!
On a budget? See: Sundsvall
for cheapies.
The weather in Sundsvall/Timra right now:

Let us know what you think about and mail us about upcoming events.
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Help us to become an even better guide to Sundsvall and Vasternorrland.