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Facts, figures and statistics
Most visited attractions:
GIF Sundsvall supporter(Number of visitors per year):
1. IKANO-huset & IKEA shopping mall (approx. 4 500 000)
2. Kulturmagasinet (approx. 550.000)
3. Casino Cosmopol (approx. 150.000)
4. Norra Berget Stadspark (approx. 100.000)
5. Gatufesten street festival (approx 100.000)

Average temperature (2003)
January 2003: -9.4° C. Hours of sun: 31 (!)
July 2003: +19° C. Hours of sun: 334

In 1621: About 35 (!)
In 1721: 500 (at the time of the Russian invasion and destruction)
In 1810: 1 485
In 1850: 2 837
In 1885: 10 275
In 1910: 16 854
In 1930: 18 007
In 1940: 18 852
In 1950: 25 706
In 1960: 29 419
In 1965: 58 174. The areas of Alnö, Selånger, Skön are included in the statistics.
In 1970: 64 920
In 1974: 92 483. The areas of Njurunda, Matfors, Stöde and Liden are included in the statistics.
In 2004: 93 707
In 2005: 94 044

Population (in 2004):
Sundsvall: 93 707
Timrå: 17 859
Härnösand: 25 273

Population density:
Number of persons per square km: 29 (The average for Sweden is 22 per square km).

Major employers (2003):
Sundsvall municipality: 8 500
Landstinget (public health care): 3 832.
SCA Forest: 2 200
Metso Paper: 750
Telia Sonera: 695
Swedish national post: 520
Swedish company registration office, Bolagsverket: 500

The regional hospital is Sundsvall´s second largest employer after the local government offices. An estimated figure of 2 400 people are employed working for various shops and with trade. The Sundsvall area is the most lively shopping and trade district in Northern Sweden.

Almost 3 000 people are employed in information technology, 1 300 of the as qualified technicians, systems analysts and program developers, making the Sundsvall region one of the strongest in computing in Europe. The Sundsvall university is frequented by 4 500 students.

Living in Sundsvall/Apartments
Rents are low and apartments are cheap in Sundsvall town. The average price per square meter for an apartment in Sundsvall was in 2003: 3 331 SEK per square meter. In the whole kingdom of Sweden the average price was (in 2003): 12 896 SEK per square meter. In Östermalm in Stockholm the average price was 37 000 SEK, 12 times higher than in Sundsvall. If you choose to live in Sundsvall you may spend your money on other things than just the rent! For example a 30 m² apartment would cost you as little as 30x 3 331= Approx 100 000 SEK.

Safety/Street crime
Sundsvall is generally a very safe town but you should note that most cases of violence (about 70 annually) take place on Storgatan or near the (ugly) bus station. Always be careful especially on Friday and Saturday nights when the centre is full of toxicated party people. 99,9% are happy and friendly but if you are the anxious type, don´t walk home late hours alone, avoid the tunnels and don´t mess with drunk people. Just walk away and you will be safe. Most cases of theft are related to bicyles.

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